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Bladder Infection In Dogs - Signs & What To Do

Bladder Infection In Dogs - Signs & What To Do

Bladder infections and other bladder issues are equally common and painful in both dogs and humans. In today's post, our Clearlake veterinarians will discuss the signs indicating that your dog might have a bladder infection and provide guidance on what steps to take.

Causes of Bladder Infections in Dogs

Bladder infections are often seen in female dogs, but they can affect any dog. If your furry friend is experiencing a bladder infection, it could be due to various factors like crystals, bacteria, diseases like diabetes, or even certain medications.

Signs of Bladder Infection in Dogs

Bladder infections in dogs often show these common symptoms: difficulty or pain while urinating, the presence of blood in urine, and frequent small urination episodes. Additionally, signs of bladder infections or urinary tract infections (UTIs) may include:

  • Straining to urinate
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
  • Reduced quantity of urine
  • Accidents inside your home
  • Whimpering while urinating
  • Licking the genital area
  • Fever
  • Increased thirst
  • Lack of energy

If your pup is displaying any of the symptoms above it's time to head to the vet for an examination. Bladder infections and urinary tract infections are very uncomfortable and often painful for your dog. These infections can often be cleared up quickly and easily when caught and treated early.

Can a dog's bladder infection go away on its own?

While some people may recover from bladder infections without medical care, it's highly unlikely for dogs. Since dogs cannot communicate their feelings, a veterinarian must check for any signs of illness. Ignoring your pup's bladder infection could worsen the condition and result in complications. 

Furthermore, your dog's bladder infection symptoms might be caused by a more serious underlying issue that requires treatment. When it comes to your pet's well-being, it's better to be safe than sorry.

How to Treat Bladder Infections in Dogs

Antibiotics are usually the main treatment for bladder infections in dogs. However, your vet might suggest using anti-inflammatory drugs or pain relievers if the infection is severe or has an underlying cause.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet. 

Is your dog showing signs of a bladder infection? Then it's important to take them to the vet. Reach out to our veterinarians at Clearlake today to schedule an examination for your beloved pet. 

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Clearlake Veterinary Clinic is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Clearlake companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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